Dr. Matthew Horner is Founder and Director of Thrive Global where he devotes himself to offering brilliant chiropractic care in order to increase one’s awareness and maximize their potential. Serving his local community, his vision is to provide beautifully simple and skilfully delivered wellbeing moments to create global change. Dr. Matt has vast experience with helping people overcome their challenging cases and oversees all of Thrive Global’s clinical operations.
Dr. Matt is also a father, creative, and avid outdoorsman. He received a Bachelor of Science from Murdoch University, further completing his Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic in 2009. Dr. Matt is also an owner-builder, enjoying their 3½ year project in Champion Lakes with his wife, Chelsea and their 3 kids, Evelyn, Leroy and Israel.
What gets you up in the morning?
Whether we like it or not, what we do (and don’t do) has an effect on our community and consequently on humanity. This conviction drives me to be intentional with my actions, so I consider myself blessed that each day I get to help people wanting more from their health. Thus, each day I remind myself of my life’s purpose: “to lead a life of influence freely, to leave a legacy of significance faithfully.”
So why Chiropractic?
Being raised with a chiropractic father was an amazing time of my life. He imparted through illustration that life is the greatest gift we have. Now the philosophy, science and art of chiropractic is all about life. It recognizes, respects, and reveres that all life processes are coordinated through one’s nervous system and your spine plays an integral role in protecting it. I believe there is nothing more honouring and fulfilling than helping people restore, preserve and maximize their life through greater nervous system function.
How do you define health then?
Firstly, I think its important to accept the inter-relationship of one’s physical, mental and social wellbeing defines their level of overall health. I mean, you can exercise 5 times a week, eat clean and do yoga; but if you have poor self-esteem and toxic relationships, I’m sorry but you are not healthy. Secondly, I believe your state of health is a continuum that is always changing and adapting to the demands (stresses) of life. So, the day-to-day lifestyle choices we make are either moving us towards or moving us away from better health.
So what’s chiropractic’s role in all this?
Remember all of life’s processes are coordinated through your nervous system and a large portion of our nervous system is protected by our spine. Now when our spine is overcome by the demands we place on it, parts of our spine can shift into a more protective state or survival mode if you like. This loss of mobility and function can go on to cause inflammation, nerve irritation and subsequent loss of nerve performance (sometimes associated pain). We chiropractors like to refer to these areas as subluxations. A major part of my work is to locate and restore one’s spinal function. A spine free of nerve interference plays a massive role in our ability to perceive and adapt to the demands we place on it.
Where do you see us as a society going in terms of health from here?
Well, the science is clear that modern society has become unnaturally stressful. Government spending, medical research and pharmaceutical use is at an all-time high. Yet we are still seeing lifestyle diseases skyrocket at pandemic levels which tells me what we are doing is not working. And here’s a scary truth, the kids of today will be the first generation in the history of mankind expected to have shorter lives than their parents!! But I do believe we are on the cusp of seeing a massive shift take place where we pursue to be more proactive than reactive with our health. That we take greater self-responsibility and invest more of our time, money and energy to be better. Make no mistake, maintaining your health is hard; but trying to reclaim your health is harder – so choose your hard wisely! 😊
Finally, what’s something you think, sets you apart?
Well firstly, I would start by saying I believe we have all been set apart and called to live out our purpose. Specifically, for me though, I would say it’s an innate ability to see potential. In every person, in every space, in every celebration, in every crisis, in every interaction there’s an opportunity for brilliance to shine. Whether or not we take the next step to make it happen is another thing. I guess that’s why I’m a big believer in creating environments that allow for potential to be unleashed.
Dr. Leah Song is a Chiropractor here at team Thrive and she’s the newest addition to the wolf-pack! She’s glad to say that this is her new happy place, along with her partner and dog. She believes that with how fast-paced life is nowadays and with ever-evolving technology, it makes the perfect (or not so perfect) recipe for stress overload onto your body physically, mentally and emotionally.
Her special interests lie in scoliosis and postural issues – which again is increasing with technology over load. She also loves a good challenge dealing with more chronic issues: only because she believes that the body is always trying to self-regulate and heal. If the body is not able to heal properly, sometimes it just needs to be nudged in the right direction.
She has completed her studies in the prestigious New Zealand College of Chiropractic in 2019 and has made the move across to Australia.
Why did you move to Perth?
Originally from Auckland, I’ve made the move to Australia in 2020 to originally be with my partner who was living in Melbourne finishing his Masters degree at the time. With life throwing some curve-balls I somehow ended up working in Darwin, NSW and even Canberra within the first 4 years of moving to Australia – most of the moves being revolved around his work.
Long story short, his work brought him to Perth and so here I am! But this time for good.
Make sure you ask me the long version next time when you see me though!
What is important to you?
Other than health, being happy is really important to me. As a chiropractor it’s an automatic given that we’re interested in making sure that the body functions at its best. But for me, the bigger reason behind why functioning at your best capacity is important is so that nothing restricts you from being able to enjoy what you do, which ultimately is going to affect how happy you can be.
Because the world can always benefit from more happy, vibrant people!
What is one thing you don’t really need to know about me but “I’ll tell you anyway” thing?
I always try to outsmart myself for “extra security” when I set up any account when they ask you to create security questions if you ever forget your password only to forget what the right answer is.
So I am forever resetting my passwords.
If you weren’t in the Chiropractic profession, what would you be doing?
I would forever be hobby jumping. My curiosity levels randomly peak and I enjoy trying out random things, only for the curiosity to last not very long. Examples include crocheting, painting, with the most recent being trying to figure out why people find joy in running… Which I have come to the conclusion of all runners that say they “running is fun” must be lying..
So with that being said I’m very grateful to have found a profession which I love.
Kim is our Leading Soft Tissue Practitioner of Thrive Global, overseeing and guiding all soft tissue services and practitioners. As a Remedial Massage Therapist, Kim combines traditional methods of massage with modern techniques and tools that help restore equilibrium as the body unwinds, heals and strengthens.
Kim holds a Diploma in Remedial Massage and certified in Dry Needling. Through individualized care programs, she is dedicated to creating freedom of movement by bringing positive solutions to pain and postural dysfunction. With a keen interest in postural dysfunction, myofascial release, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, lymphatic drainage and chronic and acute pain management, Kim utilizes the latest research from around the globe.
How did you get into remedial massage?
After enjoying the pendulum swing of career extremes, from running my own real estate agency to establishing a volunteer-based soup kitchen which fed up to 300 people a night, I felt there was something else out there for me to pursue.
So, one afternoon I sat quietly, running my finger down a list of every course available in WA. I had already decided that I would study whatever course title made my heart leap. That day, my heart did a giant leap for Remedial Massage. This astounded me, because I had never massaged anybody before, nor was it ever a consideration. Consequently, I enrolled, and from the very first massage in that student clinic, I understood why my heart had leapt.
I realized over time that I had been born with a natural gift, and today I consider myself one incredibly lucky person to be sharing this fulfilling and profound modality with so many people, from so many different walks of life.
When the tools are down, how do you relax?
I like to roam free on my motorbike, binge watch footy between March and September, bait up and trick fish to eat my hook with my fishing crew, hunt crabs and hide from sharks in the Swan, reading anything to do with fascia, write poetry, listen to music, swim in the ocean, and most of all, enjoy time with my beautiful family.
What are you passionate about?
I am a people lover, so anything that will help champion a person to live an abundant life is my key driver.
I am also passionate about freedom in all its forms, leaving a legacy of hope for future generations, searching for beauty in places where at first there seems to be none, and understanding the complexities of fascia and how the body responds to stress.
I am also known to be a deeply passionate supporter of the Fremantle Football Club. Pretty sure this will be our year for a flag…
Letisha joined the Thrive Global Wolfpack in February 2022 and loves being a Remedial Massage Therapist. She is passionate about every person reaching their health potential.
Letisha’s personal benefits of massage lead her to wanting to help people to experience the same health shifts and become the best version of themselves. After many years of personal strength and fitness training and years instructing personal and group fitness classes and training sessions, she found muscle soreness and fatigue was a constant personal battle; the only relief she could get was through massage.
Letisha completed her first course in massage in 2010 and since then has studied a diverse range of massage disciplines including Diploma of Remedial Massage, Balinese Massage, Reflexology, Dry Needling, Hot Stone Therapy, MFR, MLD and Injury management. She is also completing a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Science (very slowly!).
You live in a tiny town, how do you spend your time out there?
For the past 18 years, I have been living in a small town called Lake Grace (some of you may have heard of it), and been designing and delivering Aquatics Recreation Fitness programs to surrounding areas. I have been actively involved in the Fitness and Aquatics Industry since 1996 achieving the Cert 4 Personal Training, Group Fitness, Master Trainer in Fitness, Aquatic Pool Operator to name a few.
What do you love doing for fun?
My hobbies include anything to do with water – surfing, water skiing, swimming, SUP, snorkelling, even just blowing bubbles! As long as I am in on or around water. I also love a good physical challenge like a ‘Last Man Standing’ or the odd run/ride/swim combo.
Why do you do what you do?
I am very passionate about my own personal health and fitness; I believe the best gift we can give ourselves and our loved ones is to continuously strive to be the best version of ourselves. Every moment I work on a body, I am so grateful for the privilege I have been given to help them work through their challenges, discomfort, and find relief and be a part of their journey to great health inside and out. I believe that healing takes place where people feel safe, collaborated with and when the whole system is acknowledged, mind, body and soul and my goal is to create a peaceful, safe, and professional environment for every person that I work with.
Chelsea is the Administrator of Thrive Global, usually sneaking around in the background ensuring that we tick off the jobs on our To-do lists and everything gets paid on time! Not only does she keep us on track but she accepted the challenge of keeping Dr Matt on track when she married him in 2005! If you’re lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her as she bounds around the practice, you will surely be welcomed by a vivacious ‘Hi!’ and the latest story of their family’s adventures.
Chelsea is a Licensed Practitioner of the in8model and chiropractic coach with Quest Transformative Coaching working in team development with multiple chiropractors and their teams across Australia and abroad. Her greatest joy is to help people unleash their potential at Thrive Global and beyond.
Chelsea is Dr Matt’s biggest fan, along with their 3 kids, Evelyn, Leroy and Israel. Together they love hiking and are always planning the next big adventure. She is also a passionate educator which has taken her on many journeys including high school teacher, mentoring program director, professional development provider and key-note speaker and co-author of ‘Generation Failure and the in8model Educator Revolution’.
What is your greatest passion?
Oh I have a few! I love being a mumma and a wife. I feel very blessed to do life with Matt, Evelyn, Leroy and Israel. They challenge me to step out of my comfort zone and achieve things I never thought possible. I am very grateful for that!
It won’t take long for you to hear my passion for the education of the next generation. I have had the privilege of working with Dr Mark Postles the founder of the in8Model and have been equipped with a greater understanding of the neurology behind communication and learning. Pairing this with education is a game changer! I have had the joy of sharing this with many teachers and school leadership groups. The Thrive Global message of ‘unleashing your potential’ extends beyond the physical chiropractic adjustment into a holistic understanding of how wonderful and individual we are.
How have you stepped out of your comfort zone lately?
Matt came up with the outrageous idea to hike the 130km Cape to Cape in the middle of Winter with our 3 children! I’ve become a lot better and embracing his ideas and working out the details as we go along. I’m so glad I did! This was such an empowering and bonding experience for us. Now we’re hooked on hiking so watch this space!
You’re a busy lady, Chelsea! How do you nurture yourself?
I love running and keeping fit. It clears my mind and reminds me that I am important enough to take time out for myself. I have been amazed at what you can physically do when you work at it consistently. I went from not being able to run 2km to running half marathons!
Oh, also a cup of tea and a ‘Home Beautiful’ magazine on the couch is pretty lovely too!
Alysia is Practice Manager of Thrive Global, overseeing all things front of house, working with amazing practitioners and keeping everyone on track is what she thrives on. She is a passionate people pleaser who enjoys bringing joy and a sparkle to people’s lives. You will always be greeted by her with a smile and if you cannot see her, you will certainly hear her laughing. Inspired to support each and every person in their health journey, she ensures everyone who walks through the doors, leaves better than when they arrived.
With 15 years experience in customer service and in particular 10 years serving in chiropractic field, she leads by example. Always setting impeccable standards and an innate gift to focus on every individual’s experience, Alysia is a perfect fit to the Thrive Global wolfpack
Alysia is an avid traveller, nature fan, food lover and easily distracted dog enthusiast. Also a talented swimmer, she competed at a national level, where she also found and married her true love at their local swim squad. The important things in her life are her fur babies, friends, food, coffee and her husband… in that order 😊.
What gives you such a buzz working at Thrive Global?
Well firstly we don’t call it work but rather “play with a purpose”. But everyday it’s an honour to share in people’s health journey, seeing them reach their goals is inspiring and being able to support them through this process is amazing. Between this, the people I get to work with and the coffee machine – it’s pretty easy to get a buzz. 😊
In your opinion, what’s the best thing about travel?
FOOD!! Sorry….did I just blurt that out??? Sometimes I find it hard to remember the places I have been, although, once the delicious food that was consumed at a certain city or a restaurant is mentioned, the memories come flooding back with ease. Actually, this is true for most events in my life; wedding, holidays and even team meetings.
Share with us what’s important to you and what legacy you hope to leave?
So, sustainability and minimal human footprint is of great importance to me. I also love spending time with our fur baby and husband, even if he does bore me with all the minor details of the Tesla we just purchased. Hence, I plan to retire to a large bush block surrounded by a bunch of old rescue dogs so they can all live out their golden years living their best lives as one big happy family!
Joy began her Thrive Global journey as a practice member whilst sharing her love for people in the aged care sector. With her passion for health and developing brilliance in herself and others, we couldn’t wait to have her join the team! With a Diploma in Hospitality and Certificate III in Medical Administration, she contributes a lot of Joy here at Thrive!
A Mum of 3 beautiful girls and a lover of great food, she is a perfect fit for the Thrive Global Wolfpack! She loves working out, lifting weights and training in Brazilian Juijitsu. Chiropractic empowers her to exceed her health goals, supporting her strength and flexibility.
You will spot Joy welcoming you at the Front Desk or performing scans as a Technical Chiropractic Assistant. Don’t forget to ask her the story about how she kicked Dr Matt’s butt in Juijitsu on our Staff Christmas Party in 2021!
Out of the office, you’re a bit of a butt-kicker. Tell us about your Brazilian Jiujitsu?
I started training Brazilian Jiujitsu in 2017; I’m currently a blue belt . I have tried different martial arts forms like kick boxing but I really connected with juijitsu because it not only teaches you self-defence but also it makes you stronger physically, mentally and emotionally as well. You have to be ready to accept failure when you train jiujitsu, learn from it and move on. I also believe that self-defense is a skill that everyone, both kids and adults should have. I love to help with the kids jiujitsu classes; seeing kids progress and building their self-confidence makes me feel proud as well.
What is the best thing about being part of the Thrive Global Wolfpack??
I get to work with amazing people. Everyone’s been very supportive and helpful. Being part of a team that helps improve people’s health is the best feeling!